Scan Ichimoku Question


When I use the code you provided

#plot scan = Highest(signalBreakAboveCloud, 3) > 0 and Highest(signalBullishConfirmation, 3) > 0;
#plot scan = Highest(signalBreakBelowCloud, 3) > 0 and Highest(signalBearishConfirmation, 3) > 0;

The only problem I am running into is, If the stock drops below the cloud within the 3 days It still comes up ont the scanner. How do I get it to drop off the scan list if it falls below within the 3 days.


It seem that when I run the scan with this code it just look for the stocks the were above the close for the last 3 days. I would like for example if the stock closed below 2 days ago for example and the 3rd day it fell below the cloud to NOT come up in the scanner.  Please help

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 1)
Asked on May 16, 2018 12:00 pm

A post that serves a single individual has zero use to the rest of our viewers. The only reason this Q&A forum exists is to serve the broadest possible audience. I must ensure that each and every post is formatted toward that goal.

1. The question title does not describe what you are trying to achieve.

2. The question is referencing code provided within an entirely different post. And that other post is not mentioned and is not even linked for the benefit of other viewers.

3. The code is completely useless to anyone that stumbles upon this post because there is no way for them to know where to got to get the rest of the code and understand the context in which it was created.

This post will be deleted once you read and follow the instructions provided below:

Now, on to your request. Your description of what you are looking for is confusing. There are several typos. It seems that what you are looking for is cloud breaks occurring in the last 3 days that have not fallen back into or below the cloud. If this is what you are seeking, this will require a more complicated solution. So clean this up so folks can clearly understand your goals. Then post this as a new comment to the answer that I provided on your original question:

( at May 16, 2018 2:09 pm)