Trading platform solutions built to your specifications

Professional Services – supported platforms: Thinkorswim, TradeStation, Sierra Char, TradingView and *NinjaTrader
* I have recently added NinjaTrader to this list (still learning)
Interested in my background and qualifications? Check the About page: About
My professional services have been available since 2015. In that time I have completed several hundred custom projects for traders just like you. My clients range from brand new traders all the way up to seasoned professionals with many regular clients coming back to request additional modifications or entirely new trading tools. I have plenty of experience translating indicators between various trading platforms. Which means I have a thorough understanding of the features and limitations of each. Be sure to check the comments section at the bottom of this page to read reviews from previous clients.
Allow me to introduce myself
The following video will guide you through the process and help you make the most of this opportunity.
Additional videos in the following playlist:
- Hahn-Tech Professional Services Screenshots
- Hahn-Tech Professional Services Specifications
- Hahn-Tech Professional Services Workflows
Link to Playlist: HT Professional Services
The Process:
- Provide a list of your specifications
- I complete a feasibility analysis and advise you as to what is possible
- Once you confirm details from item 2, work begins
- I will email screenshots demonstrating the functionality for you to review
- This review process is only way in which you get to confirm and validate your specifications have been met
- The number of review cycles is largely determined by the complexity of the project
- ** Once you confirm all your specifications have been achieved, the final price for the project is determined
- An invoice is emailed to you through PayPal and once the invoice is paid your files will be delivered via email
The Details:
Professional Services consist of the following:
Consultation to determine your goals and explain various options and methods for achieving those goals. Most trading platforms provide tools such as chart indicators, chart strategies, custom scans and custom watchlist columns. The choice of trading platform will determine what is technically feasible as well as which tools may be available. The consultation period will help you understand the optimum tools for achieving your goals and may include suggestions for using a different trading platform.
Specifications Explained:
Specifications must be submitted in your own terms (no third party sources). Some clients will need help in defining their specifications and this is handled during the consultation process. However our Professional Services do not include writing those specifications for you. Specifications are precisely worded statements using mathematical formulas, logical statements and specific indicators. Specifications DO NOT include vague terms which cannot be measured or quantified through mathematical formula or logic statements.
This very important so I will provide an example of good and bad.
Good: The low of the candle touches the 21 period ema while the 8 period ema and 21 period ema are within 0.5% of each other.
Bad: The candle touches the moving average while the shorter moving average nearly touches the longer moving average
Ok, does that make things clear? The Bad specification does not specify which part of the candle, does not provide moving average types or lengths and includes the phrase “nearly touches”. It is impossible write any code using this poorly formatted specification.
Final word on project specifications: We do NOT ever try to reverse engineer or copy proprietary trading tools published by others. We fully respect the intellectual property and copyrights of others. All specifications must be submitted in your own words and no third party sources of specifications will be accepted.
Professional Services do NOT include any of the following:
- Installation and setup
- Opinions or suggestions about how to improve the efficacy of trading setups
If you need help with installation and setup you will be provided links to resources which will teach you how to use the various aspects of the trading platform. You will need to take the time to study, learn and practice using these tools before the project is completed.
Pricing Terms for Professional Services:
- Projects are charged at a current rate of $120 USD per hour with an initial minimum charge of 2 hours ($240 USD).
- Projects which include a “Chart Strategy” will have a minimum charge of 3 hours ($360 USD).
The final price of each project is not determined until it reaches stage 7 (see above). All activity related to completing the project is logged and will be included in the final price. Once (and if) your project time reaches the 2 hour minimum, each email I send will include a “Progress Update” showing the total time that has been logged to reach the current stage of completion.
These pricing terms may not be suitable to all clients, but there are no exceptions and each project is handled in the exact same manner. This pricing system allows me to provide each client with the lowest possible price. Check the section below the order form for details about average project cost and time duration from start to finish.
Project Cancellations:
If the client cancels the project prior to completion (but after stage 3 commences), all time which was logged for the canceled project will be recorded and applied to any new projects submitted by the client. A second consecutive project cancellation will result in the termination of all future business with that client. Got that? I am taking all the risk here. But I have established and disclosed a fair set of rules designed to avoid abuse.
Forms of Communication:
Email correspondence has been the sole form of communications for the vast majority of projects completed to date. I do not maintain a business phone line for Hahn-Tech. However if you or I find a need to communicate directly about the project details we may do so through a short screen sharing session (Skype or Microsoft Teams). Out of several hundred projects I can count on one hand the number of instances where a screen sharing session was required.
More details are included below, but the contact form is included here for those who are ready to get started.
Submit Your Request Here:
What is the average cost of a completed project?
In the year 2021, 55.9% of projects were completed within 3 billable hours. The average cost of all projects completed was $271.49 USD. Projects which were completed within the 2 hour minimum charge was 37.8%.
How long does it take to complete a project?
There are many variables which impact the time it takes to complete a project. Most of that is based on the timeliness of the client responding to my emails. Measured as the total time (in days) from the point of filling out the form to the delivery of the final project files; the average project in 2021 was completed after 7.28 days and 30% of projects were completed in under 5 days.
Sometimes my theories can lead me into very deep coding rabbit holes. Fortunately, Pete has the expertise, skill, and patience to dive deep into my mental gymnastics and figure out the code needed for me to see the light. . . . Pete is awesome!
Thanks Jerry. I really appreciate the projects you request. You are one of the few clients I have that are actively learning to write their own code and requesting me to build research tools used to analyze your trading setups. I think its a great use of resources and I appreciate your professional approach and dedication to mastering your craft.
Pete Hahn executes projects with surgical like precision and maximum efficiency. It is an extra bonus to learn something along the way. Adapting to technology for certain demographic age groups can be a challenge. Pete creates an environment of professionalism with end user goals front and centre. Be prepared to articulate scope of your project so nothing is left to chance. Pete and his intuition are
a guiding force along the path to project completion but the onus really is on us to define our project specifications clearly and concisely which will maximize the experience further. Building custom watchlist columns for thinkorswim was my mission and Pete delivered my desired outcome flawlessly. i could not keep up frankly. Pete is passionate about helping end users and it shows from first contact to project completion. True professional
Jeb, thanks so much for taking the time to leave your feedback about the recent project we completed. I’m overwhelmed and humbled by your glowing review. Thank you very much!
Hey new users!
If you have an idea for an indicator, a scan, or an alert Pete Hahn is a very high caliber coder.
I recently hired Pete to create an indicator- alert.
What I got back was exactly what I ordered.
The remarkable thing about it was that Pete’s code anticipated various alternative ways I might want. ( he was one or two steps ahead of me.)
Great coder, great value, surprising bonuses too.
Hi Larry, Thanks very much for taking the time to express your appreciation for the work I completed for you. Feedback like this is exactly what I have in mind for each and every client I serve.